Category: sports


郁闷:呜呜,好容易酝酿一晚上的期待就这么被Kansas浇灭了。上半场一开始打得实在是太水啦,从来就没有领先过人家,还居然创造落后28分的NCAA历史记录。Kansas似乎一上来就牛气冲天,而且战术似乎特别为Tar Heels定制似的,一打一个准,看得真着急。而且UNC的孩子们也乱了阵脚,都在急着瞎投想赚三分,可惜命中率怎么都比不上对手。为啥Roy就不叫个暂停,止止Kansas的威风?下半场终于有了点模样,一度把比分咬到落后5分左右,可惜无力回天,在最后四五分钟里又是连连中计,最后和UCLA一样十多分落后给对手。

瞎想:这次Final Four里,两只来自东西岸的分别和两只来自比较靠中间的球队在San Antonio对决,最后东西岸的都是较大比分失利。难道真的有地势之利?似乎除了Memphis,Kansas和Texas之间就隔着个Oklahoma,比UNC来得容易的多,也没有时差。

建议:下次Final Four和Final时候,选择离所有对决球队距离一致的城市比赛。

展望:Tar Heels今年依然稳扎稳打,能在落后28分(残念T_T)的情势下紧追不舍取得今天成绩值得鼓励。君子报仇,来年不晚!

sneaker recommendations?

it’s that time of the year when one suddenly realizes that she has NEVER done any gym stuff for months! one of the reasons being she does not have a pair of right sneakers to get there, … (^*&(&(%($, that’s not the right attitude*_*)
anyhow, i am looking for a pair of sneakers for gym exercise–it should be light, comfortable, responsive, easy to care, and fun to wear. besides, it would be better off if i just need to order it online instead of running to the mall (yes, i would rather save my precious time and energy for chips and french fries^_^). do you have any recommendations such as brand or style?
these are the brands i tend to have a positive attitude: puma, dkny, reebok, new balance, nike, adidas…but no, not ecco ever! their sandals and other stuff usually feel great but their sneakers kill me foot all the time…
i’m done.
上半场靠犯规搞到那么多射门机会,下半场法国队一进状态自己就不行了。只知道用那些见不得人的小伎俩钻空子,自己明显踢得不如法国队就使阴的。shame on you and your dirty champion!
再说说zidane,怎么就那么把持不住呢?是因为肩膀受伤太重还是真的让Materazzi那块垃圾给忽悠了?anyway, you broke my heart!

unc小胜MS & 乌鸦嘴多次成功

今天unc对murray state,没想到这个不知名的破学校(murray 的粉丝别扔臭鸡蛋,算我孤陋寡闻)这么强,激烈程度不亚于上会和dookie那次。而且murray state那个三分球投手真是好准好准呀。比分一直交替上升,高不到哪去,低不到哪去。
不过在murray state几次罚球时,还是小小窃喜了一把。这么多年来第一次这么多乌鸦嘴成功,比例达到80%以上。印象里清楚的"miss………………….yeah!" 达到五次:)
"your prays worked!"